Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Corruption (Latin: corruptio of a meaningful verb corrumpere rotten, corrupt, destabilizing, twisting, bribing). Literally, corruption is the behavior of public officials, whether politician / politicians and civil servants, which is not fair and not legal enrich enrich themselves or those close to him, with the misuse of public power entrusted to them. [1]

From the standpoint of law, corruption outline includes the following elements:

* Tort;
* Misuse of authority, opportunity, or means;
* Enrich themselves, others, or corporation;
* Adverse state finance and economy;

In addition there are several types of other corruption, including:

* Give or accept gifts or promises (bribery);
* Fraud in office;
* Racketeering in office;
* Participate in the procurement (for public servants / state officials);
* Accept the gratuity (for civil servants / state officials.)

In a broad sense, corruption or political corruption is the misuse of official position for personal gain. All forms of government | government vulnerable to corruption in practice. Weighing corruption vary, from the lightest in the form of the use of influence and support to give and receive help, until the weight of corruption that was inaugurated, and so forth. Point the tip of corruption is a kleptocracy, which literally means rule by the thieves, which pretended to act honestly did not exist at all.

Corruption that emerged in the field of politics and bureaucracy can be a trivial or severe, organized or not. Although corruption is often facilitate criminal activity such as the sale of narcotics, money laundering, and prostitution, corruption itself is not limited in these things alone. To study this issue and make the solution, it is important to distinguish between corruption and crime | crimes.

Depending on the country or jurisdiction, there is a difference between what is considered corrupt or not. For example, funding of political parties there are legal in one place but some are not legal in other places

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