Perfect Crime
Compass (6/25/2008)
Denial of the facts or move the meaning of the facts has become a trend in the stage of cases in this country. Cases of bribery trial attorney, alleged sexual harassment, and conspiracy to murder walk is very complicated and berlika and turns.
The question is, is there any truth? Always there are facts and evidence that despite the clear autumn of ordinary thinking that the fact it contains the truth. We also saw, adage utopian "perfect crime" (Perfect crime) really exists.
Perfect crime is not an epic about the criminals who have never caught law enforcement and accountable to undergo punishment. Perfect crime is carried out by organized crime and decision makers from legal institutions. Institutions that are prone to do this is the state apparatus.
The main differentiator between the mafia and the state apparatus is a matter of legality. From the side where the makers and executors of law stands, a mafia organization is illegal and unlawful.
What if the state apparatus to be criminals? By rule, they will convince the public that all accusations addressed to them is wrong. They will be sophistokrat.
Sophist in Plato's Republic describes as a sort of wizard or an imitator of the most real. They are not even quite understand the truth manufacturer dictum of truth. They only give the impression of truth itself (Phaedrus, 275b, 276a).
Sophistication in manipulating and always question the truth makes vague relationship facts and the truth. If we anesthetized the belief that everything about the facts is an illusion, they succeeded. Truth then becomes a matter that can be negotiated.
Sophist People always talk about ghosts, denial, and refusal to question the return. The sophistication of the plays they like the devil is always there in the simulations that nebulous space and convincing, a mistake is the most correct thing (Deleuze, 1994:127).
In many spaces, institutions in the republic have been met sophistokrat. They have a circle with a variety of professions who actually just camouflage. More and more things that are factually correct and then be gone and changed its meaning. Likewise, the argument that they build will easily be believed, though not unreasonable.
Are the people and the public should be blamed for letting them prosper? No easy answer because they control the instruments of power. Location of the severity of the conduct expertise sophistokrat is deconstruction of the efforts laid the foundation for a consensus of truth and moral norms over legal and political order. Their great achievement is to make the truth becomes as if true.
Consensus truth
Is it difficult to determine the truth? Giambatista philosopher Vico (1965) believe, census communis (common sense) is a good start to explore the truth and the basis for the concept of wisdom. However, the race is now visible is the art of speaking (rhetoric) rather than reveal the truth (right thing).
Truth itself is too paradoxical and contentious dilemma. However, we must approve the order of truth. Consensus truth must be placed in the public interest level and their perceptions of political and legal conditions are moralists.
Public truth would be something higher than sectarian truth despite the public truth can change over time.
We are faced with the problem unresolved by the agenda of democratization in post-New Order. Institutionalization of civil society that has not been strong is because the failure of civilian consolidation to put the boundaries of morality that thirst satisfied state officials.
Changes in internal institutions, whether executive, legislative, judicial, or constitutive, tend to run without control. What appears is a battle diorama antarkeluarga elephants and people become pelanduk who almost died in the middle of their arena.
How do models of institutionalization of consensus? There are at least three important things.
First, restore the agenda for strengthening civil society that can manage the different interests of various groups within it. State guarantees for difference of opinion should be kept. In making regulations, the constitutional rights of citizens to freedom and responsibility must be put forward.
Second, build a mechanism for the balance of power and control each other antarinstitusi countries. There should be no institution that has greater authority than the other. Each must have the authority as executor. The important thing is to create a mechanism to eliminate the bargaining antarinstitusi countries in order to defend the interests of a personal nature respectively.
Third, lay the foundation of the nation and the state as a normative reference that always has relevance for the performance of state institutions and could hold onto. The spirit of universal truths that apply can be informal grip. It was transformed into the conscience of the conscience, especially in determining political choices.
The actor sophistokrat is the perfect crime. Do not let them make the state with all its institutions as a stage of theatrical debate without end. While people just become spectators who had paid dearly for the staging of a totally unqualified.
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
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